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Neutering - What is it??
Mill Road Vet Hospital / Tuesday, 06 October 2020

Neutering - What is it??

and why should you do it for your dog?

Recently, we have seen a 'Covid-19' puppy boom at the clinic!...It is very exciting getting a puppy, and when you come along to see the the vet with your new addition, one important thing that we will discuss with you is.... neutering!

What is neutering?
It is a surgical procedure that prevents your dog from being able to reproduce.
In females, it is called spaying. This removes the ovaries and the uterus (ovariohysterectomy).  In males it is called castration, which is removal of both testicles.


Should I get my dog neutered?
Neutering is recommended where planned breeding is not an option as it reduces unwanted puppies. Complications can also occur during birth. This may lead to emergency vet visits and C-sections which are stressful and expensive.
Neutering can also help with behavioural issues and also has significant health benefits.


Why should I get my pet neutered?
Female dogs
  • Eliminates unwanted pregnancies and the heat cycle (bleeding every 5-6 months as well as unwanted interest from roaming male dogs).
  • Reduces the risk of mammary tumours. Just like breast cancer in women, mammary tumours in dogs can be life threatening. If dogs are spayed before their first heat, then the risk of mammary tumours is basically zero (0.6%).The risk increases to 23-63% if dogs are spayed after this.
  • Prevents a disease called pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. The infected uterus can be filled with pus and dogs can become extremely unwell.
  • Eliminates uterine cancer.
Male dogs
  • Eliminates testicular cancer.
  • Reduces the risk of certain prostatic diseases.
  • Castrated dogs are less likely to roam around the neighbourhood looking for females on heat to mate with. Wandering dogs are often not street smart and are more likely to get hit by cars or get into fights, which can lead to unplanned vet visits for treatment.
  • Reduces marking by urinating and can help with certain aggression issues. 


When should I neuter my dog? 
We generally recommend spaying and castration to be done around 6-7 months old. In large and giant breeds, waiting till they are older may be of benefit but please talk to your vet about this.


Will my dog become overweight after neutering?
Your dog’s metabolism may slow after neutering, resulting in weight gain. This can be easily managed by adjusting their diet and maintaining regular exercise. Your vet can help you with assessing and achieving the ideal body condition of your dog.


Will my dog’s behaviour change?
A neutered dog will not lose their personality and intelligence. They can also become more focused and less aggressive which is a bonus!


Will my female dog become urinary incontinent?
Urinary incontinence may occur later in life for a small percentage of females spayed before they are sexually mature. If it occurs, it can easily be controlled with medication. However, there are more serious, possibly fatal, health risks like uterine infections and mammary cancer that could develop in a mature non-desexed female.  
What happens when I’ve booked my dog in to be neutered?
Neutering is a routine surgery when performed in a young, healthy animal. The surgery only requires a day stay in the clinic. They will be ready to go home in the afternoon when they are awake and comfortable.


Please contact us at the clinic if you would like to discuss getting your pet neutered!


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