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Munchie is an 8-year-old rescue cat that loves his food. He spent a large part of his early life
sadly, having to scrounge for food in the bush. However, once he was rescued, and food was on tap, the drive to eat did not stop and he packed on a few pounds!
When Munchie became unwell because of a tummy upset, his appetite stopped for 48 hours.
His body started breaking down fat to help produce energy. Because Munchie had abundant
fat stores, all of the broken-down fat overwhelmed his liver. The fat was being stored in and
around his liver cells which compromised the function of his liver.
This condition is known as fatty liver. It is a common disease in overweight cats that go
through a period of anorexia due to an underlying disease process.
The liver plays an important role in the body. It removes waste and toxins. It also produces
essential proteins, bile, clotting factors. The liver also processes food products for energy.
When Munchie’s liver function declined, he started to feel even worse. His blood test showed
that his liver enzymes were extremely high which indicated liver damage. An ultrasound of
his liver showed an unhealthy enlarged liver.
Munchie could die if this condition is not managed aggressively and quickly.
The main treatment was to get Munchie munching on his food again, but he was initially
reluctant to eat as he was feeling so poorly.
Munchie was placed on intravenous fluids to rehydrate him. He had a feeding tube placed
for us to provide nutritional support until he feels well enough to eat on his own. Munchie
also was given medication to help reduce his nausea and vomiting.
Once he was stable enough to go home, his amazing owner fed him through the tube
multiple times a day until he started eating on his own.
Some cats can take up to 6-8 weeks to regain their full appetite. Munchie started to feel
better and began to eat small amounts on his own after a few days. It took him around 3-4
weeks to get his full appetite back.
Munchie is now doing very well, and the next important step for him is a Weight Watchers programme!
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